I just got back from the Big Island of Hawaii where I spent a very magical week. Other than the beautiful weather and Nature of this volcanic island in middle of the sea, I also delved much into art. On my first full day there I had a lil solo event at Oasis Skateshop where I signed boards, black-books and then did some live art, a trippy fish with spray paint.
Late rthat week I joined over 20 of the best Visionary artists at a nature retreat centre, for Alchemeyez, a Visionary art congress, basically a festival where we the artists flown there where teh focus. It was epic. The art by everyone (including Roberto Venosa, Martina Hoffman, Alex Grey, Carey Thompson, Luke Brown, Xavi, etc.) was great and all of us did live painting together at one point. I also took a painting workshop with the Venosas and heard speeches by many of my favorite artists. There was much more enjoyed, but I will let the images do the speaking. Go
Here for a full album of the event.